Oracle SCM Interview Questions 2019


There are a lot of opportunities for Oracle Applications jobs in the Market. Among all Oracle  Applications, Oracle Supply Chain Management has better opportunities for the Freshers and experienced persons. These are the few Oracle SCM interview questions for those are preparing for Oracle SCM Interviews.

Oracle SCM Interview Questions

Oracle SCM Interview Questions

Q1)  Define SCM or Supply Chain Management?

Supply chain management can be defined as the management of the flow of services. The storage and raw material work and they also give every aspect of storage and goods comes under supply chain management.

Q2)  What do you mean by Anti-dumping duty?

Anti-dumping duty is applicable in some special cases. Sometimes goods are imported less cost than the original cost. To avoid the loss of material in the country this anti-dumping duty is used to recognize where it is imported.

Q3)  What are different control options in inventory?

  • Locator control
  • Serial control
  • Revision control
  • Lot control
  • Locator and sub inventory restrictions.

Q4)  What is trip?

It is a carrier specific which encloses of at least two stops. They are

  •  deliver goods
  • stop to pick up goods.

Q5)  What is the Inventory Organization?

Inventory Organization is a logical entity where we used to define the specific item. Once if you finished with defining the item to the item master, now you can authorize it to various other organizations.

Q6)  what are the different key flex fields in Oracle Inventory?

  1.  Item Catalogue
  2. Item Categories
  3. System Items
  4.  Accounts Alias
  5. Stock locators
  6. Sales Orders

Q7)  Define the term Item Attributes?

It is a collection of information about an item and is used for defining some specific characteristics of an item like a unit of measure, item status, revision control, etc..

Theses all attributes are controlled in the organization level and stored in the table name called “MTL_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES”

Q8)  Define various planning methods in Inventory?

  • Min-Max Planning
  • Subinv Replenishment Planning
  • Kanban Planning
  • Re-order point planning
  • Periodic Automatic Replenishment

Q9)  What do you mean by Deadweight Tonnage?

It is basically a difference between the loaded and unloaded vehicle which is used for the shipment process. In a company shipments are always in bulk and difficult to the organization to arrange shipments. In some special cases, it considered bulk weights of shipments.

Q10)  what are Requirement setups for Expense item?

  • The item should not be an inventory item
  • No translatable item
  • No Stackable item
  • No casting and Inv Asset

Q11)  Primary use of Sales Order Kff?

Sales Order Kff is mainly used in material transactions, the source is sales order.

We can define three segments here

  1. Sales order type
  2. Sales order number
  3. Sales order source

Q12) Difference between Purchasable Flag and Purchased Flag for an Item?

Purchasable Flag is a status attribute flag which can control certain transactions of an item.

The purchased flag determines whether to purchase and receive an item.

Purchasable flat determines in case of order this item in the purchase order.

If the purchasable flag is enabled, the item could be ordered in the purchase order. Otherwise, the new purchase order cannot be created and except for the items.

In case if purchased is enabled, the item received the item already present in the approved purchase order.

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8 Replies to “Oracle SCM Interview Questions 2019”

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